Happy Birthday Caitlin!!!
This girl had passion and giggles all day long and it was contagious. I travelled quite a distance to film this bunch and I enjoyed every moment. None more than when the bag pipes came out at the reception. My hairs were on end and I shed a tear or two behind the lens. Thank you for letting me be a part of it all! - Philip Coltart
Rachel Montage
Frances Montage
If you thought a rainy day ruins your video, THINK AGAIN! Overcast weather is the best lighting any videographer could ask for. It is God's giant softbox for soft skin, smooth tones and squint free! In fact if everything is wet then colors are all the more richer! Check this example out! Oh, and it helps to be madly in love too, like these two. Nothing could spoil their thrill! - Philip Coltart
Hope for Kenya
As you may know, I use my filming skills to document the need in deepest Kenya for our charity The video is short and a little fuzzy because bandwidth is hard to come by out here. Things are going very very well and we are rescuing 68 girls from the street with the new dormitory we are building, so that they can live at the school in safety and with people that will care for them. It feels great to help others. Log on to if you would like to learn more or come on one of our trips to help others in need!
Anju Getting Ready
Sarah Montage
Miti Promotional Video - Albany
Here is a sample of some of the other work I offer.
Mackie Teaser
This is the first wedding we shot with our new cameras. It was challenging, a little frightening but worth the struggle. The color is so much more accurate and subtle instead of the digital signals we have been working with. I know, I am speaking gibberish....... this wedding was awesome! I loved the candle lit church with the white birches. We gathered hundreds of wonderful moments, even in 20 below temps!! :) Sprarkler finish to the day (which all video guys know is the ultimate test of these cameras) It came out spectacular. Thanks for having me!!!
Sarah Montage
Pilgrim's Promise Teaser
We will be performing a four camera edit of Pilgrims Progress, once we receive a minimum of 15 orders to cover our outside editor. Then all proceeds will go to This is a chance to help us use our video skills to give back. Let's do this together. Thank you so much! - Philip Coltart
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